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Eni Trading and Shipping

Datamere Software have a long working history with Eni Trading and Shipping (ETS)


Eni Trading & Shipping (ETS) was established as an independent company in 2007. Fully owned by Eni, it was founded as a hub of excellence for trading in crude and refined products. In 2010, Eni integrated all of its gas, electricity and environmental-certificate trading activities and by combining gas, electricity and environmental certification, the company gained a comprehensive view of the market, helping it to optimise assets and support strategic decisions.


As one of our longest standing suppliers, Datamere have been providing software to Eni for around 20 years and while our software has evolved numerous times during this time frame, our working relationship has always remained solid. GENUS® our most recent release, is available as two different versions dependent upon business requirements.


Currently using the Enterprise version of GENUS®, which is more suitable for the management of the larger I&C sites in the market place, Eni has built a solid portfolio of supplies. All of these are fully managed by GENUS® and the sophisticated billing engine within the platform. GENUS® Enterprise manages these larger supplies using Flex Billing capabilities, such as, the passing through of transportation costs, weighted average cost of gas calculations and index linked pricing. Eni has teams operating across multiple European countries and we offer access and support to GENUS® for all those involved.


Steve Williams heads up the Eni team based in London and has a long history of working with Datamere as we’ve delivered numerous bespoke projects over the years, often based upon very complex requirements.


“The type of portfolio we manage tends to have very specific requirements both on the flow management and invoicing side. We have to ensure that the systems that we have in place are capable of managing these more complex requirements as any mismatch in data could lead to huge consequences throughout the company”


“Eni are a very forward-thinking company and to date, Datamere have always been able to meet and often exceed our requirements.”


Stephen Williams - Head of UK Commercial

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