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Winter 2017/18

Latest news from Datamere

Support Changeover and Datamere Relocation

You’ll hopefully be aware of the recent changes at Datamere with regards to support calls and queries now being managed by Datamere Managed Services (formerly ESB). In a nutshell, we’ve taken steps to move our support calls to our Worcester office in order to try and deal with more of your queries at the point of contact.

As actual daily users of GENUS© (as opposed to developers) and because we are communicating with Shippers, Xoserve, MAMS and other industry bodies on a daily basis, the team at Worcester hope to be aware of any industry issues that could be affecting suppliers and help resolve things accordingly.

However, please rest assured that if anything needs more in-depth investigation i.e. bug fixes or new development or if you need to speak to a member of the development team about an ongoing issue, this will be actioned in the normal way. In other Datamere news, we’ll be on the move from our Wilmslow offices in the first quarter of 2018.

We’ve bought a new office premises in Cheadle Hume, close to Wilmslow and all being well will be relocating as soon as contracts are finalised. It’s been 5 years since we moved into Ladyfield House and the team has finally outgrown the space, that at the time, was far too big for us. We’ve really enjoyed our time in Wilmslow but are looking forward to pastures new and being able to take advantage of a more workable office layout to suit our expanding team.

We will of course, keep all clients well informed about moving dates when we have final confirmation.

DCC Now Live for Independent Domestic Suppliers

We have now passed the mandated date for independent domestic suppliers to be live for DCC communications. As many of our supplier’s hold commercial licenses, now really is the time to be moving ahead with the UEPT to ensure that you are able to comply before the commercial deadline.

TMA are offering Datamere and ESB customers preferential rates with their shared services agreement and DCC communications can be managed either by TMA’s web portal or via an integrated layer in GENUS© (which can be developed on request).

Our contact at TMA is Claire Henderson If you have chosen to use an alternative provider, please keep us up to date with any requirements you may have.

GENUS© Further Enriched with New Functionality.

It’s been a big year for new functionality available within GENUS©, not least in that the power side of the system is due for a first release in early 2018 and features full DTN capabilities. We’ve been working closely with ElectraLink to create and test the required electricity flows and are the first software house to develop these flows in both the new XML and legacy formats.

We’ve been demonstrating the power side of the system to some of our clients and the feedback we’ve received so far has been superb. 2017 has also seen Datamere develop a full Debtor Manager Module within GENUS©.

The core essence of the debt process is the ‘GENUS© Ledger’ which GENUS© now controls with or without links to external accounts packages. Debtor Profiles are created within System Configuration and associated criteria and actions create tasks when accounts fall into debt, all of which are managed from within the Debtor Module.

The very latest functionality and hot off the development plan is the Broker Management functionality which can be switched on in the CRM Module. This very clever piece of functionality allows suppliers to not only manage all of their broker contracts but produce and send the associated invoices and credits for all the sites that a particular broker has obtained.

It offers a really efficient management tool for your brokers and will undoubtedly bring efficiencies into your business. To request a demo of any of the functionality within GENUS© please email us on or call on 01625 525033.

Gemma and Jordan – Here to Stay

Congratulations to Jordan Samuel-Rigg and Gemma Hull who have joined the Datamere team on a permanent basis. Jordan has just completed his Level 3 Diploma for ICT Systems and Principles over the last year via an Escalla Apprenticeship.

The course took him a year to complete and he achieved a total of 6 Distinctions and 1 Merit, all completed whilst training at Datamere. Jordan is based at the Wilmslow office and is now one of our Analyst Developers.

Gemma Hull in the Worcester office was originally employed on a short- term contract to assist with the managed services side of the business, but has been so invaluable that we couldn’t let her go! She has had a very steep learning curve with not only learning about the gas industry but also Nexus in her first 6 months! Congratulations to both Jordan and Gemma, thank you for all your hard work to date and we’re delighted that you are here to stay.

Shower Up!

We’ve been really pleased to support CNG with their Shower Up campaign this year, a renewables project raising money to provide shower blocks for Turasha School in Kenya. The crowdfunded appeal raised over £50,000 in just 35 days to enable fully equipped shower blocks to be provided.


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