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COVID-19 Coronavirus

How Datamere will be managing the Coronavirus situation.

Coronavirus has now been declared a public health emergency of international concern and has spread to numerous countries around the world. Numerous cases have been confirmed in the UK and the Chief Medical Officers have advised the risk to the public is moderate.

Datamere prioritises safety and is committed to reducing the risk of spreading this virus to all staff and to adhering to Government and Public Health England guidance on managing the risk from COVID-19.

All managers have been briefed on the advice given by Public Health England with a specific request for any member of staff who has returned from any of the named countries to be sent home. We are committed to reducing the risk within our offices, by ensuring effective hygiene practices are in place, as advised by Public Health England.

All Datamere staff have been given the facility to work from home should isolation be required. Our incoming phone lines will be diverted to a mobile number but please keep your communications via email where possible as this will help us to best manage queries and support in the usual ways.

For DMS clients where we provide front office services, we will also be able to provide a phone divert to a mobile number. Please bear in mind that it may take a number of hours to get the divert in place with our network provider and we may have to rely on a voicemail service for the interim period.

We are committed to continuing to provide a high level of support and service in the event of an outbreak and will do our utmost to keep all processes running as normal. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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